Opening of the exhibition

It was really a „Just In Time“ delivery: In the morning of the 15th of November my two crates with 19 paintings arrived at CAP Kuwait, the same day where in the evening the opening of the exhibition „The Divine Agent“ took place. Issues with paperwork delayed the transfer from Amsterdam to Kuwait, later the customs in Kuwait stumbled upon that my paintings were declared as luxury watches. I could laugh when there was not the time pressure, but, nevertheless, they arrived and could be placed before the opening – and not during like an event I did in the past – the Accrochage.

The first sold painting

The team at CAP did a great job and I am really happy with how they arranged my paintings and the whole setup.

The american ambassador to Kuwait and my husband

What is really stunning me is, that I never before saw my paintings on white walls and with professional bright lights. I paint normally under the same conditions where I expect that later my clients will hang them in their home, without special lighting or only daylight. But wow, what a difference! Every color clearly visible, a real explosion matching the blossoms on the paintings. Selfie time for all visitors and already sold paintings at the first day.






Gallery Exhibition Catalogue CAP